National Space Science Center
The evaluation of key parts of space science satellite
发布日期:2011-07-26 10:00:00

Recently,  our lab has quickly and effectively done single event effects  experimentation simulated by pulsed laser for selecting key parts of  first space science satellite "Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT)".

 One  digital and analog mixed-signal application specific integrated circuit  (ASIC) are key parts for science exploration, it is important to know  whether it's SEE ability is strong enough to fullfil this mission.  Therefore, our lab use pulsed laser single event effects facility of  "Test beds for Space Environment Effects of Electronic Part, Chinese  Academy of Science" to test type A   ASIC  and B ASIC which would be used by HXMT. Our experiments find out that  type A ASIC is easily to produce single event latch-up with an  equivalent LET threshold 10 which is consistent with heavy ion test results. Type B cannot latch-up with an equivalent LET

This test produce fast and economically  experimental data for selecting  chips  used by HXMT which method can be used widely in other space science  satellites and application satellites; Meanwhile, this method can  produce huge economic, engineering, science and society benefits.

Fig.1 type A (left) and B (right) ASIC tested by pulsed laser.

 Fig.2  the results of single event latch-up (left) and single event transient  

                       effects (right) test by pulsed laser for type A ASIC.